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Adobe illustrator crop cs6 free

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Adobe illustrator crop cs6 free 


Adobe illustrator crop cs6 free.Basics using the native Mask and Crop Image methods


You can adjust the dimensions of this cropping box if needed. By deselecting this option, the default experience for Crop Image, Freeform gradient, and Puppet Warp is disabled. At any point, to exit the cropping interface without applying changes, do one of the following:. Do one of the following to reposition the crop widget:. To reposition the crop widget precisely, use guides and grids. Smart Guides help you align the crop widget relative to other objects.

Pixels Per Inches resolution B. Reference position C. X and Y coordinates D. Width E. Constrain width and height proportions F. PPI refers to the current resolution of the image. Specify the resolution in pixels per inch ppi. If the resolution of the image is lower than the options available in the drop-down list, the options are disabled. The maximum value that you can enter equals the resolution of the original image or PPI for linked artwork.

Reference Point. All transformations are performed around a fixed point called the reference point. By default, this point is at the center of the crop widget you are transforming. However, you can change the reference point to a different location using the reference point locator in the Control panel. X and Y dimensions. Height and Width.

Specify the size of the crop widget. If the width and height fields are linked, they maintain proportions when changed. Click the link icon icon to delink and modify the width and height values independently. You can define your own keyboard shortcut for the Crop Image command. For more information, see Customize keyboard shortcuts. That was such a struggle. Windows or other versions might look slightly different.

Depending on how you want your image cropped, there are several options to make it happen and the simplest way is no doubt, the crop tool. But if you want to crop out a shape, or have the freedom to manipulate the image, use the clipping mask or opacity mask method. This is the quickest and easiest way to crop an image if you want to trim a photo in a rectangular shape. Step 2: Click on the image. Step 3: Click the Crop Image option. A crop area box will show on the image.

You can crop an image by making a clipping mask with the help of pen tool or shape tools depending on what shape you want. Create a shape on top of the image, and make a clipping mask.

In this tutorial, I use the pen tool to create a shape. Step 1 : Select the pen tool and start tracing the cat outline, remember to close the path at the last anchor point. Step 2 : Select both the image and the pen tool path. The path must be on top of the image.

Step 3 : Right-click on the mouse and select Make Clipping Mask. If you want to crop a vector in a simple shape, you can also use their vector Crop tool, which is hidden in the Pathfinder control panel. First, create your shape by using the Rectangle or Ellipse Tool. Select both objects while ensuring that the object you want to crop is underneath. The parts outside of the shape will be cropped destructively. It's similar to a clipping mask which we'll explain below. The only difference is that this method crops destructively, while a mask will not.

That's why we recommend using masks in all of your cropping ventures. The best aspect of a clipping mask is that your images can be cropped into any custom shapes you want. A clipping mask can take any shape or form. First, you must create the shape you want to use as a cropping shape. This is also known as a clipping path. If you already have the shape, add it to your canvas on top of the object you want to crop.

Now you can see your cropped image. First, draw the shape you want to crop your image or import a preexisting shape into your canvas and color it black or white. With opacity masks, white means that the image will be opaque in that area. Black signifies that the part of the image will be completely transparent. Grays indicate a fade from opaque to transparent or a gradient. Select both the image and the shape. A new panel will appear. Then click Make Mask , but ensure the Clip checkbox is activated.

You can also use the quick and dirty Illustrator Artboard alternative to crop an image in Illustrator. This will only work with rectangular crops, of course. Your graphic is still pretty much whole on the page, just outside the edges of the Artboard. The method is straightforward. Click on the Artboard icon and change its shape to the area you want to crop.

Then export the file! Still, you want to keep the aspect ratio the same as the original image, a prevalent task in graphic design, especially for digital marketing purposes. The process is much simpler than it might sound initially. Create a shape that covers the entire size of your image by using the Rectangle Tool.

This will guarantee that the aspect ratio is maintained. Vectornator is - like Illustrator - a vector-based tool. It takes only a few steps and is super easy to perform, even for inexperienced users.

The Clipping Mask function in Vectornator gives you unlimited options to crop your image. We will give you the freedom to crop your image into any shape or form you want with VectoRegarding. Regarding navigation and UI, Vectornator and Illustrator look very different.

Even as a mid-level user, you still might find yourself googling for answers on how to use the software when your mind should be focused on designing instead. Something needs to change when a design tool needs so many steps, shortcuts, and hidden functions to be functional at a basic level. Vectornator possesses a straightforward and intuitive interface.

No hidden menus or unnecessary clutter.



How to Crop in Illustrator | Vectornator Design Tips Workflows


Reference Point. All transformations are performed around a fixed point called the reference point. By default, this point is at the center of the crop widget you are transforming. However, you can change the reference point to a different location using the reference point locator in the Control panel. X and Y dimensions. Height and Width. Specify the size of the crop widget.

If the width and height fields are linked, they maintain proportions when changed. Click the link icon icon to delink and modify the width and height values independently. You can define your own keyboard shortcut for the Crop Image command. For more information, see Customize keyboard shortcuts. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Adobe Illustrator Features What's New. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. Use the Image Crop feature in Illustrator to crop a linked or embedded image.

Crop an image. The cropped portion of the image is discarded. It is not recoverable. You cannot transform an image while cropping it. If you try to transform an image after selecting the Crop Image option, Illustrator exits the cropping interface. Do one of the following to crop the selected image: Click Crop Image on the Control panel. Choose Crop Image from the context menu.

Do one of the following: Click Apply on the Control panel. Only on Windows bit and macOS When you select the Crop Image option to crop an image on the artboard, Illustrator identifies the visually significant portions of the selected image.

At any point, to exit the cropping interface without applying changes, do one of the following: Click Cancel in the Control panel. Press the Escape key. Select any tool from the Tools panel, except the Zoom tool and the Hand tool. Adjust the crop widget. Do one of the following to resize the crop widget: Specify the Height and the Width in the Control panel.

Drag the corner or edge handles. Press Shift to scale the widget proportionally. Press Alt to scale the widget about the center.

Use the pinch-to-zoom gesture on touch screen devices. Note: The Illustrator Touch workspace for Windows tablets does not support cropping. Do one of the following to reposition the crop widget: Click-drag from anywhere within the bounds of the crop widget. Press the arrow keys to move the crop widget.

Cropping options. You can specify the following options on the Control panel while cropping an image:. The co-ordinate values of the selected reference point. Simply click on the words "Rule of Thirds" or whichever overlay is currently listed to open the menu, then choose a different overlay from the list.

I'll choose the Grid overlay:. And now we can see a more detailed grid appearing inside my crop box. You can also cycle through the various overlays from your keyboard. Just press the letter O repeatedly to cycle through the list:. If you look below the list of overlays in the View option, you'll find three additional options that control when the overlay actually appears. If you want the overlay to remain on screen at all times, choose Always Show Overlay. The Auto Show Overlay option, which is my favorite, will only show the overlay while you're resizing the crop box or repositioning the image, and will hide the overlay while you're not making any changes so it's not cluttering up the screen.

If you don't want the overlay to appear at all, you can turn it off by choosing Never Show Overlay :. Photoshop CS6 gives us a couple of different ways to straighten an image using the Crop Tool. The first is by simply rotating the image manually. To rotate it, move your mouse cursor anywhere outside of the crop box. You'll see your cursor change into a curved line with an arrow on either end. Then, click outside the crop box and, with your mouse button held down, drag your mouse to rotate the image.

The crop box will remain in place while the image itself rotates inside it. Photoshop automatically places a grid overlay inside the crop box to make it easier to judge when the image appears straight:. Another way to straighten an image with the Crop Tool is by using the Straighten option in the Options Bar.

Click on it to select it:. With the Straighten option selected, look for something in your image that should be straight, either horizontally or vertically. Click on one end of it to set a starting point, then keep your mouse button held down and drag across to the other end:. Or, you can completely reset everything the crop box, the aspect ratio and any rotation you've applied to the image by clicking the Reset button in the Options Bar:.

If you change your mind and want to cancel the crop completely, click the Cancel button in the Options Bar, or press the Esc key on your keyboard:. Selecting this option by clicking inside its checkbox will permanently delete all of the pixels you crop away.

That may sound like what you'd want, but this is known as a destructive edit because it makes a permanent, physical change to your image, something you want to avoid whenever possible.

A better, more flexible and non-destructive way to work is to leave the Delete Cropped Pixels option unchecked. That way, Photoshop will keep the cropped pixels and simply hide them from view, allowing you to go back and make changes to your crop at any time! We'll see what I mean in a moment.

You'll notice, though, that even after you've applied the crop, the crop box and handles remain around the image:. To hide them and view the image on its own, all we need to do is choose a different tool from the Tools panel. The quickest way to do that is to press the letter V on your keyboard which will switch you to the Move Tool , and now the crop box and handles are no longer visible.

I mentioned a moment ago that by leaving the Delete Cropped Pixels option in the Options Bar turned off not checked , Photoshop will simply hide the pixels that were cropped away rather than permanently deleting them.

The benefit is that you can go back at any time and re-edit your crop! To do that, just select the Crop Tool again from the Tools panel. The crop box and handles will re-appear around the image. You can click and drag the handles to resize the crop box, click and drag inside the crop box to reposition the image, choose a different aspect ratio from the Options Bar, or make any other changes you need.

If you save your file as a Photoshop. PSD document, you'll be able to re-open the file and re-edit your crop any time you want:. And there we have it! Check out our Photo Retouching section for more Photoshop image editing tutorials! Get all of our Photoshop tutorials as PDFs!

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